Monday 31 August 2015

Season 1, Ep. 06

Post Holiday Blues

Let's talk about that. Only because I have spent the last 30 hours on planes coming back to base, not so ready for action, but I guess it has to be done, which is also the reason this post was a wee-bit delayed. And so, there isn't much inspiration this week, but more the need to talk about that feeling we get after a massive highlight in our lives comes to an end. Quote Friends, "an end of an era". Ok maybe not so dramatic.
Greece was magical. You can follow the entire journey from here to there and back, including wedding buzz and beach galore on Instagram. Also make sure you have checked out last week's post about the wedding. Some may have sent me the feedback that they felt like they were there while reading it. Some. Hashtag brag.
Family catch up, best friends catch up, watched sister walk down the isle, tanned, tanned, ate like there's no tomorrow, tanned. No wonder, you get the blues after. And then I sit down and feel guilty because I feel unappreciative of my everyday normal life. Why do we live for those holiday moments, why do we hate going back to work? Shouldn't we be leading a life where we all do what we love so we don't feel like we have to have those holiday moments to hang on to? Mmmm, I'm the romantic who always said yes about it, we do have to lead lives where we do what we love for a living, and boy do I serve this preaching, but a holiday is a holiday. As someone very close to me says, on holiday, you eat when you're hungry, you sleep when you're tired.
There's no schedule, there's no dress code, there's no does or don'ts and there is absolutely no stress over spending money, over paying bills, what to eat aka what to cook. Come to think of it this maybe define some people's lives 365 days a year but for the rest of us mortals, we know that all the of above are indeed situations we go through every day when NOT on holiday.
Now I am back having the rudest awakening as it's still winter over here. We got the rainiest, windiest welcome. Oh yeah NZ made sure it reminded us well that our holiday is more than over. But hey, here I am at least rejuvenated, rested, sun-kissed and writing my next post while watching the MTV Video Music Awards, finding out that Kanye West is running for president in 2020 and picturing Kim Kay becoming a First Lady. And it makes me realise that everyday life is not so bad after all. Hashtag preach it. Till next week...


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