Monday 4 July 2016

Season 03, Ep. 04

Me Before This Book

...and the movie.

So the first time I came across this was when I saw the trailer for the upcoming movie. I instantly thought that would be an interesting love story but I was not ready for what came after. I started talking about how I was keen to see it, besides, even though I am not a Game of Thrones fan (please don't hate me), I am an Emilia Clarke fan. There's something about her that's very captivating on screen. 
And then someone said 'you HAVE to read the book, I could not put it down and I finished a box of tissues'. I needed something to get me back into reading since the last time I touched a fiction book must have been the Harry Potter series in my teens. Shame, I know. I just didn't feel reading was for me, I get worried that unless it is totally gripping, I lose my interest and focus. And I've always been a more audio-visual person, I can digest documentaries, shows and movies like that. But still, reading. What do you do when technology fails...

I was just coming back from Hanmer Springs and I'm at the airport thinking, it's now or never, so I ended up purchasing my copy of 'Me Before You'. I finished it within 12 days and that's only because I had so much work in the day. I am not the biggest fan of Hollywood-happy ending-chick flicks, but this is so not it, so not your typical happy ending. It's all relative here, and some of you may disagree it's a happy ending at all, but that's the beauty of a book, it opens so many doors of different feelings and interpretations. I reckon it was a happy ending within a sad ending. If you don't know what the story is about I shall not spoil it for you and how this chapter ends. I am ready for my sequel now.

As far as the box of tissues goes, I don't cry easily anymore, in films, shows or in books for this matter, but I felt that lump in my throat the entire time since she realises her feelings for him. But I held it in perfectly right. ...Until those last two chapters. Until that first tear dropped and here it went. A proper cleansing. Oh my lawd, Jojo, you got me there. 

Jojo Moyes' writing is perfect for the average reader and for a huge age range. Easy, personal, detailed and exciting. Thank you Jojo. 

Sunday I had the chance to watch the film version. It is always a given that movies never do the books they are based on any justice and fair enough, how can you fit 500 pages of details in a two hour movie. So for what it was it was perfect. Emilia Clarke lived up to my ridiculous expectations and beyond. She is Louisa Clark. Sam Claflin was indeed Will Traynor minus the spinal cord injury. You know me, I always judge a movie based on the acting and this was a top of the tops. They portrayed the story and their characters with such care, delicacy and wit. If I were Jojo Moyes I would be so chuffed with the casting. And again, final two scenes in the movie, hashtag cleanse. Only because I went back to that moment I was first reading it in the book. 
Let's just say that this book has successfully put me back in the reading game. My next purchases will be "After You", the sequel to this one and I came across an interesting one, 'The French Wedding' by a New Zealand author. Ha, look at me, a bookie. 

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