Wednesday 4 May 2016

Season 3, Episode 01

The Social Media Vanity Fair Issue

So lately I have decided to follow the Kardashian-Jenner clan on Snapchat. And at times when I get bored, I'll flick through their snaps and have a laugh. It lasted me a week. A week of seeing their snaps until I decided to delete them of my snapchat. That's all it took me. I mean don't get me wrong, I love me some Kardashian craze, been watching them since pretty much season 1 on E!. But only because I never take them seriously. It is my 'go to' show, along with some MTV trashies when I need to escape, have a laugh and...just have a GOOD laugh.
We all know and agree that this family's vanity levels are growing along with their bank accounts but hey, we are responsible for that, I mean, I am right here, number 1 guilty fan of the show, sitting right here aren't I. And that's fine, that's what they do best but at least they're genuine, I give them that.
But oh my DOG, their snapchat accounts are OTT vain even for them. But not all of them, here's the catch. Kendall's and Kourtney's are pretty mild, everyday, hardly annoying little post, Kendall who is in my opinion the most devine looking one, we hardly even get to see her face. Kim and Kylie are all about that ''look at me and my flawless but completely made up where nothing is nature's gift face". And then there's sweet blunt Khloe. That girl is finally looking hot after all those years of getting slammed for being the ugly sister, she has this massive thirst to show it off on her snapchat. Bless her soul. Oh well, enjoy it sista, you deserve it.
But here's my point. Social media have been feeding our egos and vanities so much over the last 8 years, that I am starting to see how much we have all started to sink in this fake world where a profile picture HAS to be 150% better than the real deal.
I am guilty of selfies, I have taken my fair share and I am the first to stand up and admit that every time I took one and looked good and I ended up posting it online, I did it to show off something, or to prove something. Two things I don't like, are denial and lies. And I would be in massive denial and lying to myself and yous out there if I said that I didn't post a selfie to attract someone of my interest in the past and to prove something. Feels familiar?
Does it also feel familiar that you post way more selfies or photos of you looking gorgeous when you're single or when you have just been dumped and trying that ''look what you're missing out on" routine? Come on, honesty is the best policy...
I usually have noticed that truly gorgeous people don't usually bother with selfies (eg. Kendall Jenner on snapchat). Oh, I feel like I have offended people here. But no, that's the problem. You're all gorgeous, we just insecure. And social media's likes help mend that for a day or a week. Right?
The more insecure we feel about ourselves, the more we want to post a selfie online, add a million filters and even smooth our skin out a little bit and wait for those likes so we can take a massive breath and say ''ah cool, I'm hot again, phew". Pfff, sad but true and we're all guilty. And I don't expect suddenly for everyone here to decide to deactivate accounts or never take a selfie again, I mean, it is fun at the end of the day. But here is my advice. Don't take social media so seriously. Don't rely on social media to tell you what you look like today, and how you feel. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Now go take a selfie pulling a funny face instead of a duckface. And if you don't get 100 likes, that's okay, you're comfortable with yourself and you're a person not a billboard. Be real. In a world full of Kims, be a Kate Middleton. I KNOW, how gorgeous is she!

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