Sunday 18 October 2015

Season 1, Ep. 12

Season Finale

Pretty much every TV season finale there's been, there's a major dramatic climax in the middle of the episode, only to get resolved towards the end and then leave us again with a massive gasp right at the finish so we HAVE to watch the new season, right? Well, this season finale is gonna be just another standard rant, like all the previous episodes, since this is what this blog is all about. But believe me you want to come back for next season. Hashtag watch this space etc, etc.
ROH. Most Brits and artists might know what this ugly word stands for. It is basically the initials of the Royal Opera House. But yeah, the cool kids call it ROH. Anyhoo, tonight and for the final episode of this first season that I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about, it will be about my time at the Royal Opera House in London.
Coming from a dance, Musical Theatre and acting background I never thought I would ever get the chance to enter the doors of such a place, and never in my life did I think that I could get to work in this form of art. Didn't we use to mock Opera singing as kids? 
I was fresh out of Drama School for about a year and I was working full time at Abercrombie and Fitch to support myself while chasing 'that' dream. Oh yeah, I used to work there too. For a looooong time. But more on that later. Hashtag next season on the moo point, hashtag season finale gasp. At the time I was busy recruiting new models for the store's campaign and the sales-floor. What a job that was. Every single day, here I was, on the busy streets of Central London looking for the good looking. With me I had a buddy and co-worker who also happened to audition to be in the entertainment industry and he had actually done a couple of cool gigs on TV by then. He had some more connections. 
One fine, sunny day, here we are wandering around, when he mentioned that he would have to cheekily disappear for a few hours in order to run to an audition. Before I even had the time to ask about the audition he was already suggesting I should go with him. His exact words were, "I'll sneak you in, it's a dance gig at the Royal Opera House, they want background artists, you have to do this". I couldn't form any words, my gut always tells me, do it, what do I have to lose anyway, it is an opportunity. But of course, I wasn't sure if it was an open audition, aka anyone can go, just like the masses that show up at the X Factor auditions, or was it a close one. 
Long story short-ish, we showed up, we filled out some forms and my friend suggested I write down his agent instead of mine so we avoid any further questioning. His agent only dealt with dancers, aerialists and acrobats so they were so many people auditioning that day from his office. Perfect. No questions asked. I get called in, I spend 3 hours in dance classes, assessments, theatre exercises and group work until I finally find out at the end that I was selected to be a dancer for their upcoming Opera. Say what? Hashtag right place at the right time. And here's your irony, my friend did not get the gig. 
For the next few months, here I am, stoked about my achievement, rehearsing every day until the shows and finding out all about the magical world of Opera singers. And boy is it different from the rest of the industry. I never realised first of all, that Opera singers cannot keep singing as frequently as other regular singers. They strain their voices so much during one show that they can only perform 2-3 times a week and do some voice rest during the rest of the week. Thus they get heaps of understudies, and we were only able to put on a show every other day. Funny huh? But they have without a doubt, the most amazing talent. 
I also got to work with some old ass performers who had been knighted by the Queen as Sirs and Dames, damn. Other than that I felt so fancy in our fancy changing room, in our fancy period costumes, fancy wages lol. 
We got to perform during the Christmas season at the end of 2011 and right into the new year. My New Year's Day was spent at the theatre performing. 
I will never forget how happy I had felt that my first day of the new year had started in the Royal Opera House. I still have my Pass card. I will never forget the people I met and worked with over those few months. No way. And I will never forget the night Prince Charles came to watch us. Never. Never forget to grab a chance. What do you have to lose?

 "All the world's a stage and people it's mere players"

On the next season of The Moo Point. Abercrombie and Fitch. The Italia Conti chapter. The New York chapter. And the one with the ski. Toodles. 

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