Tuesday 29 September 2015

Season 1,Ep. 10

The One With The Bullying (Not At School)

Bullying. We all know how it works, one feels shit about themselves, one doesn't get enough attention at home, one comes from a broken or bullying environment at home, and one takes it out on someone else. It's simple yet so complicated.
It is super awful and absolutely necessary to at least try to be ceased from happening at schools only because children are pretty much helpless when it happens to them. They don't have the skills to fight back, they barely even know who they are as a person. And guess what. Being bullied surely defines a lot on who you become later on. Hashtag chain.
If you're bullied and you know it clap your hands. *clap clap*. And if you're not sure if it was bullying that happened to you, bullying ranges from verbal abuse such as light-hearted talking down on you, such as someone telling you that you cannot do something, such as someone treating you according to the way you look to full on physical abuse. So yes, I can safely say that pretty much a good 80% of us here with big hearts have probably been or are being bullied somewhere by someone, either once or continuously. Am I right? Hashtag Hallelujah?
Anyhow, yes, bullied at school although it definitely didn't seem to had hold me down afterwards, it just made me one very depressed 10 year old for a year who would start crying even if you pinched me. No biggie. No grudges. Bitch. Ahem.
But my bullying experience as an adult is what is definitely worth mentioning. My friends have heard about it, my parents have heard about it, my kids will definitely hear about it, my grand-kids will be making jokes about it. In the hope of helping anyone out there who deals with a similar situation here is the "employer gone wild" story.
In the year 2013, I had already completed a few months as a part time dog walker, but I slowly started filling in for full-timers who needed time off so I started spending time with the boss more and more. We had already started on the wrong foot but then again so did all of her other employees. It was simply the kind of situation where you couldn't win with the woman. You don't do something, you get told off, you do something, you do it wrong, you answer back to her, you are a rude rebel who has an answer for everything, you don't answer back and just nod along, to make your day easier to move along, you're not listening to her.
And that was the start of it. All employees experienced it, all 90% of them who quit within a few months, plus the 10% who hung in there a little longer for the money and the dogs. But by 2014 things took an unexpected turn and the daily minor telling off became major scenic, dramatic, verbal abuse. Suddenly I am getting bullied about not doing what I am told, 5 minutes after she would see me do it. If someone else wasn't doing something right, there would be a couple of incidents where I would still get the blame for it. If I tried to talk back and stand up for myself, the woman would reach the point where she would attack my physical appearance as a reason for being "shit" at my job. Pardon my French.
Two things I cannot stand are guilt and the feeling of someone being treated unfairly. Being the little passionate artist I am, I tear up like that *click*. One day I did, and next thing I know she is pointing her finger at me like I am a puppy being told off for chewing her shoes. "All you know how to do is cry anyway, so go on cry". Um yeah, hashtag true story bro. The money was great, the dogs adorable and the clients kind. I did the math for a while and held on. Until that notorious moment which probably still haunts me. Final straw I guess. Just because someone pays you doesn't mean they have the right to treat you like dirt. Please don't forget that. Life is short.
Bullying employer's profile: Mid-fifties, single, no friends, shut everyone around her out, including family, constantly made mistakes with her clients and blamed it on her employees, was mostly attacking her female employees, not attached to her clients' dogs at all, they were nothing but a big fat cheque to her. Are you smiling yet? Wait for the punch line. My next employer in that industry emailed me after a month of working for her to express her gratitude for being good and reliable. A MONTH after I started working for her.
Remember, Karma is a bitch only to bitches.

Feel free to share your story on the comments below. Everyone has a story.

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