Saturday 18 June 2016

Season 03, Ep. 03

HaNmer Springs, not HaMner Springs

This is pretty much our only mini mid-year holiday. Four days away, once again at the beautiful South Island. But let's all remember that everything is about quality, not quantity.
This time a week ago we were dealing with our post-wedding blues, which always go according to the weather and let's just say the weather was not helping. But I'll start at the beginning.

A few months ago we got invited to a wedding in Hanmer Springs. Hanmer is a couple of hours drive from Christchurch. We had driven past the turn off during our last visit on the South Island in January. Remember? If you have no clue what I'm talking about, visit my last Season of The Moo Point. Beautiful road trip. Anyway, we couldn't really wait to go back down there. All I kept hearing for months was how gorgeous Hanmer Springs is, people go there during winter, book batches and visit the thermal pools. Thermal pools! How flash. I could NOT wait. It is winter here now afterall. Well, when I say winter, don't really allow yourselves to think of scarves, gloves and Ugg boots everyday, at least up here, but down there, they usually do get freezing cold winters and snow so the idea of visiting a resort with thermal pools while everything around you is white is heaven. Even though the seasons seem to be moving at a much slower pace in this day and age, and it still feels like autumn. So no snow. But yes pools.

We flew down there first thing Friday last. We rented our car and decided to treat ourselves with a townie experience in Westfield. A little taste of London felt superb. After spending two hours at Westfield, we embarked upon our road trip to Hanmer. Arriving we were greeted by the family in the house we rented for the weekend, oh dear, who owned this house, it was soooo cute. Comfortable as well. Fire was on and the party mode as well. ON. First night, was what we call the ''meet and greet'' night, even though we all knew each other, but even the ones we didn't really know we wouldn't bother meeting anyway, we were too busy catching up with the loved ones we know but live far from. We walked to the pub, since everything was walking distance. Hanmer Springs is a beautiful small town/resort/village, call it what suits you best, but very well taken care of. They know they rely on their tourism therefore they look their best. All of them. The shops, the cafes, the restaurants, even the kebab/souvlaki shop. The pathway across the shops which is also a mini-park with a couple of benches and on its other side there is the entrance to the hot pools, is lit with 'Christmas-like' lights on the trees and it looks FAB. Loved the feeling walking along.

The next day we decided to honour the mini put right at the heart of the village with the family, for two reasons. The weddings here start early as, for us Greeks at least, they start after 2-3 pm so you only get a chance to do something in the morning and take it easy since you know you have a long day ahead, full of drinking and dancing, before you go start getting ready. Also, partner loves golf. Any type of golf. So mini-put it was. I loved it though. I sucked, but I loved it. Sucking means I got one or two amazing shots only to make me feel cocky before my next sucky one. Meh, it was my first time. Next time let's  go do some karaoke, see how you'll do. LOL.

Wedding is lush. The sun was shining, it wasn't even that cold so they did their ceremony outside in the garden before we proceeded inside the fancy hotel for the reception. Flash hotel be-tee-dubs. The Heritage, check it out. It looks like a typical hotel until you walk around it and see that there is a lake at the back and a bunch of super cute houses that spread all across, and yes they are all part of the hotel too. So you don't have to book a room at the hotel, you can book a batch. And still receive the room service. Lush.

The party went on, after the yummy food but the DJ was so crap, we decided to make the best out of a PRETTY bad musical situation. Dude could not read his audience. I mean come on. Our requests were not even helping him sense the tone and taste. Anywhoo, if you can't beat them, join them, I guess so we made the most out of any song he would play and had a pretty good darn laugh.

The next day was very poor. Weatherwise especially, very cold, damp, rainy. The initial plan was to go for a bike ride and then to the pools. That flopped. We drove around instead having a good old fashioned nosy at the houses around, some of them, most of them really fancy. We treated ourselves with lunches and dinner out and then home and fire. And cards. Why not, it was great. However, we didn't get to really do the one thing everyone raves about, the pools. Pools were pricey though and apparently word has it not all that great though unless it is all white around ya. So no, winged it.

Out last day was back to our beloved Christchurch. Back to Sumner Village for lunch and a walk by the seaside as the weather was definitely in our favour more than ever on our last day. Any information on Christchurch is on this very blog, Season 2. Look it up. Worth it.

At the airport I got to enjoy my cuppa at the cutest pub after purchasing a copy of the best selling book soon to be movie 'Me Before You', by Jojo Moyes. I am almost half way through, next episode shall definitely be a review on the book. Easy read, very sweet story. And our beloved queen of Dragons is the main character in the movie. Double win. Not that I watch Game Of Thrones, don't hate, but I like her anyway. Now as far as a clearer description of Hanmer Springs goes, pictures speak way louder than my words. All I can say is that so far we have a winner. Take a look and follow the entire journey on my Instagram. Toodles. Be well! 

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Season 3, Ep. 02

The One With The Stage Challenge

Wow, here we are. My first taste of the so-called 'Stage Challenge'. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, Stage Challenge is a New Zealand National dance/show school competition. Students from all regions from the North and the South Island create a dance based showcase and compete against each other. Each region crowns a winner each week. Students are 100% responsible for creating their show. They create the story, choose the songs and choreograph it. They announce their team leaders plus they get a team together who will be in charge of costumes and make up and the set.

Teachers are pretty decorative at the start to be honest. We are just there to make sure there won't be any teenage drama over who gets the solo, and to avoid anyone ripping another's hairs off over who is the better...dancer, I guess? As time goes on and the dances are coming together, I guess a more expert eye is an asset to the team, in order to give them some constructive feedback as far as polishing their dances goes, staging them and getting into character. I feel honoured to have been asked to be that person. If you have just started following The Moo Point, I have been involved with theatre and dance since I was 6 years old. Having the kids respect that and take all the feedback into consideration was fantastic, and I suppose all this brought me closer with some students.

The actual day was a blast. We drove up to New Plymouth, the main city of our region, and spend the better part of 13 hours at the theatre. Staging, setting up, practicing, but most importantly, mingling with the competition, aka the other schools. I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting a bit of healthy rivalry to go on, some bitchy comments, picking on every little thing about each other, no, on the contrary, those kids were the epitome of support, unity and fun. Pretty much proves my point why I will always be so passionate about the performing arts. They are the epitome of being united and leaving your troubles at the door. The second we stepped foot at the theatre, they started having random dance offs in the middle of their changing area. Next thing you know they are all resting together, or having another dance off. 

The themes were completely free choice, therefore completely different from each other. The other schools went down the melodramatic route and created a showcase out of big life issues such as the refugee crisis or cancer. Our school decided to get in touch with their imagination and create a show based on that minimum chance there'll be a zombie apocalypse. Dead people, skeletons, zombies and eventually SATAN, all came together on stage for a bit of hip hop jiggle. But boy did they look amazing. And boy did they work hard. Pretty much until the last half hour before they went on stage they were practicing at the back. And what do I always say? Hard work pays off. Best choreography award, plus best costume and make up award. Not too shabby ae. I have never felt more proud of someone in my life so far to be honest with you. This is why this job is so fulfilling, this is why I love teaching. 

And how are you?